County High Library has a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction for all ages. Regular communication with teaching staff mean that Revision Guides for GCSE plus extra class textbooks can be found here. The Recommended Reads from our English department are all held, along with a regularly updated selection of popular Young Adult titles. Suggestions from students for new titles are always welcomed.
In the Spring term Book Mastermind is run for Year 9’s and is well advertised around the school.
Student art work is showcased here and regular changes of books on display mean students experience a colourful and varied working environment.
The Library is well-used by teachers as a resource for researching during lesson time with whole classes brought down to use our computers as well as physical books.
During the year there are regular competitions run by the Librarians for individuals and classes to enter, and our Library Management System (Accessit) means students can search, reserve and review books held in the Library using their phones when the right app has been downloaded. Signing into the same system via the school intranet or home computer allows students to also create their own To Read list, which can be shared with Librarian staff. Students use their usual school sign in details to login to use Accessit or anyone can browse as a Guest. By uploading their favourite author, genres, or key words any new stock added which matches their chosen criteria generates an automatic email alert to let students know the title has come in. The Accessit dashboard is also regularly updated with revision ideas, book lists, links to teacher recommended websites and any competitions which may be running. There are also separate dashboards for Beliefs & Values which have specific items for these users.