Leadership Team
Ms Kennedy
Mrs Thuell
Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral), DSL
Mr Stevenson
Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum)
Miss Chandler
Assistant Headteacher (Inclusions)
Mr Marshall
Assistant Headteacher (Beyond the Curriculum)
Mrs Middleditch
Assistant Headteacher (Aspiration within the Curriculum)
Mrs Hill
Data & Operations Manager
Middle Leaders
Head of Year 7: Mr Turner
Head of Year 8: Mr Brown
Head of Year 9: Mr Moore
Head of Year 10: Mr Hamill
Head of Year 11: Mrs Taylor
Head of English & Languages: Miss Ahmed
Reading Co-ordinator: Miss Merryweather
Head of KS3 English: Mrs Dowsing
Head of MFL: Mrs Frankland
Head of KS3 Languages: Miss Conroy
Head of Maths & Business: Miss Colson
Head of KS3 Maths: Mrs Crichton
Head of Sciences (& Head of Biology): Mrs O’Neill
Head of KS3 Science: Mrs De Jongh
Head of Physics: Ms Pascoe
Head of Computer Science: Mr Hyndman
Head of Humanities: Mr Childs-Bennett
Head of KS3 Humanities: Mrs Burgess
Head of Geography: Mr O’Leary
Head of KS4 PRE/Beliefs and Values: Miss Meakin
Head of Performing & Visual Arts: Mr Crane
Head of Drama: Mr Crane
Head of Art: Miss Bowman
Head of KS3 Art & DT: Mrs Ryder
Head of Music: Mr Berridge
Head of KS4 PE: Mr Hamill
Head of KS3 PE: Mr Kent
Teaching Staff
Miss Ahmed
Mr Berridge
Mrs Berry
Miss Bowman
Mr C Brown
Mr J Brown
Mrs Browning
Mrs Burgess
Mrs Burrows
Miss Chandler
Mr Childs-Bennett
Miss Colson
Miss Conroy
Mr Crane
Mrs Crichton
Mrs De Jongh
Mr Derbyshire
Mrs Dowsing
Mrs Frankland
Mrs Griffin
Mr Hamill
Mr Harrison
Mr Heaton
Mrs Hodge
Mrs Horrocks
Mr Hyndman
Miss Jarvis
Mr Jermy
Ms Kennedy
Mr Kent
Mrs Kington
Miss Longden
Mrs Loughton
Mr Marshall
Miss Meakin
Miss Merryweather
Mrs Middleditch
Mr Moore
Mr O’Leary
Mrs O’Neill
Miss Pascoe
Mrs Ranson
Mrs Ryder
Mrs Sauvage
Ms Seldis
Mr Stevenson
Ms A Taylor
Mrs R Taylor
Mrs Thuell
Ms Townsend
Mr Turner
Miss Warne
Support Staff
Head’s PA & Office Manager: Mrs White
Receptionist: Mrs Brinkley
Senior Administrator/HR: Mrs Bryant
Reprographics Technician: Ms Collins
Senior Finance Assistant: Mrs Frew
Exams Officer: Mrs Gannaway
Cover Administrator: Mrs Harley
Administrator Officer: Mrs Sewter
Student Services Admin: Miss Swan
Finance Manager: Mrs Vaughan
Admin Assistant: Mrs Weaver
Librarian: Mrs Harvey & Mrs Mayer Baker
Assistant SENDCO: Mrs Howell
LSA: Ms Boslem
LSA: Mrs Darville
LSA: Mrs Denny
LSA: Miss James
LSA: Mrs Mayer Baker
Deputy DSL: Miss Cooper
Cover Supervisor: Mr Fenner
Pastoral/Attendance: Ms McKie
Pastoral: Miss Barker
Pastoral: Miss Broomfield
Pastoral: Mrs Cunningham
Pastoral: Mr Kharbouch
Pastoral: Mrs Scallan
Site Team
Senior Residential Caretaker: Mr Nolan
Caretaker: Mr Bird
Technician: Mr Baker
Technician: Ms Barker
Technician: Mrs Lafond
Technician: Mrs Murrell
Technician: Mr Williams