Communicating with our parents and carers is such an essential and important part of what we do. It is essential that parents and school work together to ensure every young person makes the most of their time with us.
Parents and carers can access all of our newsletters, posts, term dates and forthcoming events from the navigation bar at the top of each page on this website.
Please see the communication tools we use at our school to enable the smooth and safe transference of information between school and home.
If you have any issues accessing these tools please contact the School Office.
School Platforms

ParentMail enables parents and carers to pay for school meals, trips and activities as well as provide a communication portal between school and home. When your child starts at County High School you will receive communication with ParentMail account activation details.

Google Classroom
Staff and students can log on to Google Classroom by clicking on the button below.

Parents, carers, staff and students can log on to Go4Schools to check timetables, homework, achievement and behaviour. Log in to Go4Schools by clicking on the button below.
At the beginning of the school year we were pleased to welcome parents and carers in to school to discuss key information. This also provided an opportunity to meet with the tutors and ask any questions. Each year group had a talk that was tailored towards supporting students for their year ahead. Below you can find the information booklet for all students and the presentation for each year group.