Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
Curriculum Aims
Philosophy, Religions and ethics is the study of world philosophical thought, religions and belief systems, worldviews and ethics. PRE is an opportunity for students to learn about the world they live in, how different faiths interact with the wider world and opportunity to investigate various belief systems. PRE allows pupils to explore key philosophical ideas and questions generating their own belief systems and answers to these questions. PRE allows pupils to reflect upon ethical dilemmas, question key sources of moral understanding and develop their own ethical point of view.
For further information about the Philosophy, Religion & Ethics Curriculum please read the PRE Handbook which is available from the attachments section.
Please see attached documents for the Year 10 and Year 11 GCSE Philosophy Religion & Ethics.
Our Exam Board is AQA
Exam Boards
- GCSE Exam Board is AQA
If you need to request further information about this subject please contact the relevant Head of Department.